Houdini - Object Packing

Today I took a look into 'Object Packing', which is where you birth geometry onto surfaces without any geo overlapping eachother.
Going by this cool mini-tutorial HERE, this effect could be used to create Ferrofluids.

Now this concept is a little advanced for me at this stage but after seeing the term 'object packing' get brought up in various places, I wanted to take a quick look into it to see what it actually implies and the sort of things you can create.

Here was my finished product:

Kinda looks like a spreading virus, a pretty cool effect that can be achieved farely quickly.

There was a lot of nodes used in this process that I am not overly familiar with yet so I'm not going to try and go over them here. This tutorial was obviously intended for people that already had a good idea about what a lot of these things did.
I will however be going into some of the other videos on this channel (FX Hive) as I think they have some longer, and more indepth tutorials to offer as well. This one was just a quick 15 minuter.

But regardless of some of the terms being over my head at this stage, I did have fun making it :D


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